So, today I did 17 minutes of pool running just to see what it was like. I think it will be a great way to keep moving while I let my knee clear up, and I might even keep doing it. The idea I have now is to go to the gym every morning. When I am 100% again, I can alternate pool and track running. I think I will do my workouts based on time, not distance.
Here are a bunch of pool running links. Most of them are about deep water running, which isn't what I am doing. I don't need no-impact exercise; this is just dramatically-reduced impact exercise, and it actually gives you a great sense of form (e.g. lean, footstrike, etc.).
This Could Be A Permanent Thing
If I end up liking this, it could be a great way to vary my running workouts and increase my overall fitness without putting extraordinary strain on myself. I can see myself going to Genesys every morning before work: I really do enjoy the day more when I start off going there. I could do pool running M/W/F and track running on T/R. Then I could do my long run on the weekends. That schedule would reduce my on-land running days from 4 to 3, but increase my overall running days from 4 to 6. Two runs on the track and one long run outside. This could be a winning formula.
Minutes vs. MilesIf I make this change, I will start logging my indoor running in minutes, not miles. I think this is fine. I can use lap times to gauge my effort level and speed. For a while, I have wanted my base workout to be 45 minutes, which is about what it takes me to run 5 miles. Man, if I did 45 minutes every day before work for the next 6 weeks, that could make a huge difference!
This Week's LSDI am scheduled to do an 11-mile long run this weekend; that is NOT going to happen. I estimate that I would have been running for 1:47, so perhaps I could stitch together some kind of hybrid this Saturday. Maybe I do 45 minutes running in the pool; lace up and do 30 on the track; get back in the pool and finish the remaining 30 in the pool again. I could alternate long run weekends this way, too.
Jump USA Shoeshttp://www.mlive.com/living/jackson/index.ssf/2009/05/watery_workout_it_looks_easy_b.html
Cross Training Alternativehttp://www.sportsinjurybulletin.com/archive/aquarunning.html