First, and I don't say this to be self-deprecating or cute, but I am still pretty fat. I need to lose another 15 pounds to run harder, otherwise I am just going to get injured. The other photos from this race make me look even bigger. True, running clothes don't hide very much, but let's face it--you have packed on the pounds over the past several years, and they aren't going to come off overnight.
When I started running I was about 200 lbs, and depending on the day I would poke just north or south of that. Now I am almost exactly 10 lbs lighter, weighing in at 190 lbs with the same up and down. I have not made any changes to my diet at all over the past year; in fact, I may have been eating more.
So, before I engage in any self-flagellation, I need to celebrate the fact that I have reversed the trend of gaining weight every year. Hell, if I lost 10 lbs a year for the next couple of years, I'd be in great shape. But actually, I want to lost 12-15 more pounds so that my weight is between 175 and 180 on an ongoing basis. I was 165 when I was 16, and I think about 175 at 25, which seems like ideal weight for me.
My marathon strategy is really a weight loss strategy. Run the distances, walk when you need to, and don't get injured.

Well, why not? I think my goal for this race will be: get the first marathon out of the way.
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