So, I have this idea that I will re-join at Genesys to use the indoor track in January and February. I'll still run outside, too. Maybe I can put together some outdoor runs from the club. Basically, I want a place to make sure I can get in a run when it's super icy or cold. And having the whirlpool will be a plus...
The web site says that the indoor track at Genesys is 4.5 laps to the mile. The actual distances are posted on the wall of the track:
Track Measurements
One Lap on Lane One = 1243.5 feet
1243.5 x four laps = 4974 feet
4974 feet - 5280 feet (one mile) = 306 feet
One mile is four laps plus 306 feet
One Lap on Lane Three = 1280 feet
1280 feet x four laps = 5120 feet
5120 feet - 5280 feet (one mile) = 160 feet
One mile is four laps plus 160 feet
When running the track remember to run four laps to a mile and then from the start run the extra 160 feet in lane three or 306 feet in lane one. Again, measurements were calculated measuring from the inside lane by 8 inches from the start.
So, based on the posted measurements, Lane One = 414 yards; Lane Three = 426 yards.
L1: 414 yards
L3: 426 yards
I could use these runs to work on speed and form. For some reason, I've enjoyed doing 2 mile splits. That makes it easy to track--do splits at 9 laps.
Now, I have walked and run that track before. This is going to be a fairly boring thing to do. Audiobooks might help. Podcasts could help. Tracking splits and doing speedwork/pacework could help as well.
This deserves more thought. The gym opens at 5:30, which is before I usually head out the door, though I have gone at 5:45 in the past. So if I were to really run there before work, I'd need to get there about then, which means a 5:40 departure or so.
Then you need to change.
Run for an hour.
Makes sense to shower there, too. But I want to get home and see the kids before school. And also change.
So perhaps it makes sense to wear a clean t-shirt and sweatpants on the way there, change into running technical and shorts, do the run, shower (maybe a hot tub if you're there early enough), and get home in time for breakfast.
So, in other words, the track at Genesys is the ultimate pace work track. You just have to do 2 miles in order for it to be even (4.5 x 2 = 9 laps or 2 miles). That's what I'd like to do anyway. Do 9 laps tracking your splits and see what happens. Do an entire workout of 27 and track your progress. Very interesting.
Genesys Pace Table
This table correlates Genesys laps with mile paces and 5K, 10K, 10M, 13.1 and 26.2 finishing times. The times I feel are within my striking distance over the next 12 months are in gray. I have also color coded pace ranges:
- BLUE = below pace
- GREEN = easy pace (1st gear)
- YELLOW = moderate pace (2nd gear)
- ORANGE = brisk pace (3rd gear)
- RED = above pace
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