Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Eat, Drink & Be Merry

This week I have my first really long run--long for me, anyway: 9 miles. While I can probably do it without a nutrition/hydration plan, I need to start experimenting with what to eat and drink on long runs. I have a few weeks to see what helps, what doesn't, what I don't like, and what doesn't like me.

So I stopped by Complete Runner on my lunch hour to chat up the staff and get some samples. I think I'll stop in a few times before I really dial in on what I'd like. Here's what I picked up:
The regular old Gu is what I see/hear most runners and competitive walkers using. It deserves a try. The Gu Chomps look more like gummy bears. I had read about the Gel Blasts, and Carl said these are great to eat before a run--I need to start doing that, because I usually go out without anything in my stomach. Finally, Carl strongly recommended the Camelbak Elixir--I do need an electrolyte replacement drink, and I don't need all the sugar. These are Alka-Seltzer-sized tablets designed to dissolve in a Camelbak pouch without leaving a messy residue. Sounds like it could be a good thing. Each pellet makes 24 oz., so I'll bet you can cut them in quarters and use them on the fly. It just depends on how long they take to dissolve. Just did a quick search, and it says 2 minutes on one site. Hrmmm. That might mean carrying a bottle. Stop at aid station, add tablet, run away... drink a few minutes later. That could work--then you're not drinking at the aid station.

Belt or No Belt?

Carl pretty aggressively pushed a fuel belt on me. I decided to wait a few weeks. They are about $40, so I want to make sure I'd use it. Part of me would like to find a way to go without. Perhaps one 8 oz. bottle in a pocket. It's not the weight I am worried about. He recommended the Amphipod belt.

[2010-1-3 UPDATE]. I have this figured out. Gu Chomps are the easiest fuel to eat while running. You need to eat more often, but you don't have to stop. Put one in your mouth and bite it in half. Then do this chew-with-your-mouth-open thing to break the two halves into popcorn kernel-sized pieces. Let them break down a bit and start slowly swallowing them a bit at a time. Then take a larger-than-normal swig of water. Do this every 15-20 minutes. It's perfect.

The chomps fit in my Amphipod handheld pouch. In the 12oz bottle I have H2O mixed with Camelbak Elixer. It's not syrupy or sweet; just a little tingly and orange-flavored. I take small swigs of water and barely swallow--there's a little movement where you can open your throat at just the right time and vacuum takes it down. Pretty cool!

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